As we continue to discuss optimal solutions to support the growth and compliance needs of industry, LexisNexis Reed Tech is committed to providing you with a single UDI vendor and platform. As such, here is a detailed analysis that highlights the tangible benefits of opting for a single, global end-to-end solution platform, compared to managing multiple vendor platforms.
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Expert Insights on the EU Proposed Legislation EUDAMED Rollout-Approved
On January 23, 2024, the European Commission proposed a legislative amendment to address two major issues in the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and the In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR).
EC Proposal Updates on IVDR Transition & EUDAMED Rollout
Quick Insights from our experts on the EC Proposal concerning the IVDR transition and proposed MDR/IVDR amendment, possibly affecting the EUDAMED rollout. These are short segments created from our latest presentation, prepared exclusively for UDI customers.
EUDAMED UDI Regulations: Best Practices for the New Year
Start the year with clean data and a firm understanding of what you must do for EUDAMED UDI compliance in 2024. UDI compliance readiness can be confusing. To help, we’ve gathered top tips from expert Gary Saner regarding upcoming milestones in the EUDAMED roadmap.
Update on EUDAMED Timeline
The EUDAMED timeline has experienced several delays and revisions since its inception, primarily due to the complexity and magnitude of the project.
Embracing EUDAMED UDI Compliance Timing: Why Starting the Process Now is Crucial for Medical Device Manufacturers
EUDAMED UDI Compliance is a critical aspect of the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) that requires...