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WHO Responds to Global Rx Dependency Crisis

Jun 19, 2023 | Drug & Biologic Product Submissions, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics

Over the years, Global Health Authorities have begun to work towards regulatory harmonization. Of course, the World Health Organization (WHO), a special agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health and established in 1948, is often at the forefront of these efforts.

Most recently, WHO has launched a single repository of drug-dependence information, including all drug-dependence technical reports and resources. This repository, being spearheaded by WHO’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD), is a major leap forward in both availability and transparency of potential abuse, harm and dependence of psychoactive drug substances. Currently, information on over 450 drugs can be viewed, without cost, by health professionals, drug companies, regulatory bodies and the general public.

As we globally respond to increased drug abuse and drug dependency issues related to Rx pharmaceuticals, WHO is taking steps to increase public awareness and effective public health policies and responses.