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Market Research in Early-Stage Drug Concept and Discovery

May 15, 2024 | Drug & Biologic Product Submissions, Drug Label Research, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics

During early-stage drug concept and discovery, Pharmaceutical companies will find it necessary to research the market for existing drug products for any number of reasons. These reasons can vary greatly depending on factors such as if the drug is Rx, OTC or biologic or if the drug is an innovator or generic. That being noted, some of the most common reasons include:

  1. The need to identify the current “state of the art” standards for drug indication or class
  2. The need to identify the number of manufacturers or drugs and overall competition
  3. Find product and packaging details for existing products (your own or competitors)
  4. Determine active ingredients, formulation, dosage form, how the drug is supplied, and more for existing competitive or similar drug products

Reed Tech has created Navigator for Drug Labels in response to this need. A tool that allows users to search across current and historical versions of all drug labels using a variety of robust, advanced methods including full text, wildcard, proximity and conditional text searches. These advanced searches can be conducted across a database of nearly 50,000 US and centralised EU-approved branded and generic prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC), biologics and homeopathic and herbal medicines product labels. Additionally, Navigator™ offers the functionality to save searches and receive alerts on selected products.

Navigator™ also provides the ability to understand how your competitors are positioning their drugs with the drug label comparison feature. The system allows you to select up to 25 labels at one time to glean insight into the existing competitive landscape and determine how your new drug will fit in.

Want to learn more about Navigator™? Contact Reed Tech to schedule a system demo with one of our subject-matter experts or to start your free trial!

Navigator Indicator Search